ISA Type ISA Name Maker First CPU CISC IBM System/360 IBM 1964 CISC Intel 8080 Intel 1974 CISC MOS 6502
ISA Type ISA Name Maker First CPU CISC IBM System/360 IBM 1964 CISC Intel 8080 Intel 1974 CISC MOS 6502
1.1 install need logout if not work, change the language to Japanese or Chinese. 1.2 change the switch input key
https://zed.dev/ https://zed.dev/docs/getting-started 1.1 Download and install 1.2 Install to cli 1.3 Change theme CMD + K then CMD + T
1.1 Confirm boot of QNX with rs232
https://github.com/GitSquared/edex-ui It is very cool, but it is a little slower than a normal terminal. 1.1 Install and run on
https://github.com/gokcehan/lf.git https://github.com/gokcehan/lf/wiki/Tutorial 1.1 Install LF on Mac OSX with brew brew install lf 1.2 Start lf from term lf 1.3
国税庁 C1-23 事前確定届出給与に関する届出 https://www.nta.go.jp/taxes/tetsuzuki/shinsei/annai/hojin/annai/5104.htm 事前確定届出給与に関する届出書付表1(事前確定届出給与等の状況(金銭交付用))付表2(事前確定届出給与等の状況(株式交付用)) e-Tax (Web版)で届出書を作成・提出 e-tax ソフトで届出書を作成・提出 申請・届出手続(法人税関係) https://www.e-tax.nta.go.jp/tetsuzuki/shinsei/shinsei03_1_1.htm
1. ref 2.1 prepare 2.1.2 prepare outbound port 2.1.3 prepare dns mx.aisoit.com 2.1.4 prepare ssl 2.2 install 2.2.2 setup
ref: https://github.com/sharkdp/bat
1.0 MMU关联常用简称 ref1: 【转】深入理解 TLB 原理 ref2: [mmu/cache]-ARM MMU的学习笔记-一篇就够了【转】 MMU: Memory Management Unit TLB: Translation lookaside buffer 1.1 MMU概念介绍 MMU分为两个部分: